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List of services

Upazila Project Implementation Office

(1) Food in exchange for work

(2) Money in exchange for work

(3) Test relief

(4) Employment programs for the very poor

(5) It implements the largest social security program in Bangladesh like the VGF program.

(6) Apart from this, the overall post-disaster relief program works. Moreover, the rural poor people are given special relief items such as winter clothes and clothes.

In addition to social security programs and relief programs, the Upazila Project Implementation Office carries out development works such as construction of bridges up to 15 meters in length on rural roads, construction of cyclone centers, flood shelters, construction of mud forts and construction of houses for disaster victims in coastal areas, construction of houses under the special fund for climate change. remains

            At the upazila level, the upazila project implementation office implements the maximum amount of work with the least manpower. Two officers and one office assistant, one work assistant, one office assistant working in the upazila office carry out social security, development and relief activities worth an average of twelve to fifteen crores (depending on the upazila) every year.



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